42 Years of Ankeny Dollars for Scholars Awards!
Ankeny Dollars for Scholars is in its 42nd year of serving Ankeny Community School District's graduating seniors and their families. Since its inception in 1983, our community has provided more than $1,632,227 for 3,660 awards for our Ankeny High School and Ankeny Centennial High School graduating seniors. In 2024, we awarded 137 scholarships totaling $96,640. Be assured that 100% of your donation will go to scholarship funding. Administrative costs of chapter operations are funded by separate activities of our local volunteer board members.
To be eligible to apply, the applicant must:
- be a resident of the Ankeny Community School District;
- be a graduating senior of Ankeny Centennial or Ankeny High schools;
- plan to attend an accredited college, university, or post-secondary institution (not limited to four year schools);
- and demonstrate meaningful involvement in school, community, or citizenship opportunities.
Ankeny Dollars for Scholars is a non-profit 501(c)(3) community-based organization; the Ankeny chapter serves as a clearinghouse for the generous businesses, civic and school groups, and individuals that provide Ankeny Dollars for Scholars awards.
The Ankeny chapter is affiliated with the national sponsor organization, Scholarship America.
You can help!
You can help our high school seniors further their education by donating any amount towards a $500 scholarship. If you wish, you may donate a named scholarship as a (1) memorial, (2) in honor of someone, or (3) to celebrate a special occasion. Gifts of $499 or less are placed into the Ankeny Dollars for Scholars general fund and combined to create $500 scholarships.
All donations
All donations are fully tax deductible. Donations may be payable to and mailed to: Ankeny Dollars for Scholars, 3006 NE Briarwood Drive, Ankeny, IA 50021. For further information, contact ankeny@dollarsforscholars.org